The purpose of the application is to prepare workers to pass the industrial safety exam. All collections correspond to RTN collections. The application allows you to take tests in currently relevant categories:
- A. General industrial safety requirements (A.1)
- B. Special industrial safety requirements (B.1 - B.12)
- D. Energy security (G.1 - G.2)
- B. Safety requirements for hydraulic structures (B.1 - B.5)
- Categories I - IV, VI according to norms and regulations in the field of energy supervision
The main features of the industrial safety testing program "Industrial Safety Tests":
- testing in exam mode
- “Tickets” mode, which allows you to study all the questions in the category using tickets
- “Marathon” mode, which allows you to create your own test using the selected category and specifying the required number of questions
- “Selected Questions” mode, which allows you to create a list of favorite questions and then take a test using the generated list
- “My mistakes” mode - work on your own mistakes
- “Selected Questions” mode, which allows you to create a list of favorite questions and then take a test using the generated list
- view a list of questions by category and search ability
- it is possible to leave your notes on any question
- storage of testing statistics, with subsequent output of data to the user in the form of diagrams
The application developer does not represent a government agency and does not belong to government agencies. The application does not provide government services, and the information provided in the application is for informational purposes only.
The application does not require a constant Internet connection and works offline without any problems